Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Verdura Giardino (Vegetable Garden)

Back in Italy (especially in the smaller farm towns) every household had a garden where they would grow their own fruits and vegetables. Times were a little tough back then and growing your own food was not only a way to save some money but it also guaranteed food on the table.  When my family immigrated to Canada they kept a tradition from the old country in their own backyards. 
Growing up my parents forced me to eat my fruit and vegetables every day (eh, but whose parents didn’t).  What separated the ones I was eating from the other kids was the fact that mine were grown fresh...right from Nonno’s garden.  Every summer my Nonno and Nonna would take my siblings and me to their backyard to go pick fresh fruit and veggies from the backyard.  They grew everything tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, grapes, strawberry’s and so much more, you name it they had it.  It was like going to an outdoor grocery store; now that I think about it I don’t think I’ve ever seen my mom go to a grocery store for fruit or vegetables in the summer. There was no need.  

Although gardens are more common among the older retired Italians it is still a tradition that is exercised yearly in most Italian families. Despite the fact that it is not as necessary to do so anymore, it is a hobby that keeps Italian culture strong. I am thankful to be brought up in a family that still exercises an old tradition.

Grazie e Arrivederci!

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